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Zealot last won the day on September 19 2022

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  1. Believe me, I am thankful. I keep this on my wall here at work:
  2. I had a serious concussion when I was a teen. I was a trick diver. I performed a reverse maneuver and landed on my head on the springboard, effectively knocking me unconscious and dropping into the water. I came to as the lifeguard was attempting to pull me out. I have a permanent disfigurement on the top of my head. But I didn’t quit diving. I loved it. Later in my adulthood I fought in ‘mma’ style competition. (We didn’t call it that back then) I enjoyed it. As a cyclist, I’ve had some pretty spectacular accidents while mountain biking, busted ribs, lots of skin ripped off, etc… But wouldn’t trade it. Living is risky. And it’s 100% fatal. Competition in combat sports is a rush unlike any other. But it’s not for everyone. But for those with warrior spirits, kudos!
  3. Zealot


    She was an American Idol alumnus. She then went on to become a top CCM recording artist. And TobyMac was a huge friend and supporter for her. She and he collaborated on quite a few recordings. She is one of those people that I’ve always wished I could have gotten to know. Yes, she knew both joy and heartache. Beautiful woman:
  4. Zealot


    I just heard she passed away. Only 47. My heart is breaking. 😢 😢
  5. I Dwell in Possibility BY EMILY DICKINSON I dwell in Possibility – A fairer House than Prose – More numerous of Windows – Superior – for Doors – Of Chambers as the Cedars – Impregnable of eye – And for an everlasting Roof The Gambrels of the Sky – Of Visitors – the fairest – For Occupation – This – The spreading wide my narrow Hands To gather Paradise –
  6. I think there is truth in each of those statements.
  7. Sappho 1 (“Prayer to Aphrodite”) 1 You with pattern-woven flowers, immortal Aphrodite, 2 child of Zeus, weaver of wiles, I implore you, 3 do not devastate with aches and sorrows, 4 Mistress, my heart! 5 But come here [tuide], if ever at any other time 6 hearing my voice from afar, 7 you heeded me, and leaving the palace of your father, 8 golden, you came, 9 having harnessed the chariot; and you were carried along by beautiful 10 swift sparrows over the dark earth, 11 swirling with their dense plumage from the sky through the 12 midst of the aether, 13 and straightaway they arrived. But you, O holy one, 14 smiling with your immortal looks, 15 kept asking what is it once again this time [dē’ute] that has happened to me and for what reason 16 once again this time [dē’ute] do I invoke you, 17 and what is it that I want more than anything to happen 18 to my frenzied [mainolās] heart [thūmos]? “Whom am I once again this time [dē’ute] to persuade, 19 setting out to bring her to your love? Who is doing you, 20 Sappho, wrong? 21 For if she is fleeing now, soon she will give chase. 22 If she is not taking gifts, soon she will be giving them. 23 If she does not love, soon she will love 24 even against her will.” 25 Come to me even now, and free me from harsh 26 anxieties, and however many things 27 my heart [thūmos] yearns to get done, you do for me. You 28 become my ally in war.
  8. There is no routine. Sometimes I’m up all night, sometimes I medicate to sleep (and it don’t always work). And sometimes sI just crash.
  9. Lexus?? I’ve know an Alexis. Crazy gal,
  10. “Brandy, your fine girl! what a good wife you would be!”
  11. Going manic and getting drunk… Tonight could be interesting.
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