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  1. Ralphie's post in Pence quote was marked as the answer   
    I rate it a 12 purely for its punniness. 
  2. Ralphie's post in Smart Googlers was marked as the answer   
    Must be discontinued. 
    This is the closest I can get, but it might frustrate them to not be able to get the ball oot.
    https://www.chewy.com/jolly-pets-teaser-ball-dog-toy-blue/dp/38798?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12651121862&utm_content=Jolly Pets&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpY6dhZDU_QIVEc7ICh3DsQkQEAQYBSABEgL_dvD_BwE
  3. Ralphie's post in Well looky there! My threads are being solved left and right! Like catz and dogz! was marked as the answer   
    No!  You just need at least two posts. Yay!  This is in honour of roadrunner, conversing with myself.
  4. Ralphie's post in Nap buddy was marked as the answer   
    Excellent colour coordination of dog and blanket.  Almost as good as Airehead's between floor and Airedale.
  5. Ralphie's post in Wordle 2/18/23 was marked as the answer   
    Mosey Susan to the homophone, please.
    What?  Don’t figuratively STARE at me!  
  6. Ralphie's post in East Palestine Train Derailment was marked as the answer   
    What kind of grammar is that for a journalist?
  7. Ralphie's post in Just so you know was marked as the answer   
    Have you gotten it yet? 
  8. Ralphie's post in Wordle 1/12 SPOILER… was marked as the answer   
    Oops!  Was sposed to be MEANT, but I skipped slipped a digit and failed to notice.   Thankfully it mattered not.  So NEANT is a French word! Why did it take it?   Loan word?

  9. Ralphie's post in * Wordle for Tuesday, 12/20/22 * was marked as the answer   
    Woohoo!  Very lucky guess!  

  10. Ralphie's post in * Wordle for Monday, 12/19/22 * was marked as the answer   
    Yup!  And I beat the skate spate potential rope a dope! 
    Had to do a cartoon-like double take with 3 greens and a yellow!  
    STARE been beri beri good. To me!

  11. Ralphie's post in The dumbest thing I did this month. was marked as the answer   
    I always look forward to the reset at the beginning of the month.
  12. Ralphie's post in * Wordle for Friday, 12/16/22 * was marked as the answer   
    The aliens are here!

  13. Ralphie's post in Wordle for Monday, 11/28 (Spoiler) was marked as the answer   

  14. Ralphie's post in Wordle for Friday, 11/25 (Spoiler) was marked as the answer   
    I had to sleep on this one. 

  15. Ralphie's post in Wordle for Thursday, Thanksgiving, 11/24 (Spoiler) was marked as the answer   
  16. Ralphie's post in Wordle for Saturday, 11/19 (Spoiler) was marked as the answer   
  17. Ralphie's post in The dogs of war was marked as the answer   
    Did anyone say “release the hounds” before Mr Burns did?
  18. Ralphie's post in Here is what we know so far was marked as the answer   
    Yellow made a surprising showing!
  19. Ralphie's post in Wordle for Tuesday, 11/8 (Spoiler) was marked as the answer   
  20. Ralphie's post in What kind of chewing gum? was marked as the answer   
    If RG was a dentist he would be that 5th one. Probably zima flavoured. 
  21. Ralphie's post in Wordle 10/6/22( Spoiler) was marked as the answer   
    Bump for International Sloth Day, October 20.
  22. Ralphie's post in What shape are your contacts in? How many people on it who you have no idea who the heck they are? was marked as the answer   
    Mine have a lot of messy buildup!  Lots of generic names like Bob Adams. Who the heck is he?  
    For years before cell phones I took a cue from an old cow-orker who was basically Sheldon Cooper. He kept an intricately folded excel sheet in his wallet. That looked like a great idea to me so I emulated it, but now the excel source is long gone over many computer replacements (I had a copy on a 3.5” disc.  ) and so is the last paper copy. It had some good reference info on it like the car radio codes.
    So now I just use my iPhone contacts. My work outlook ones have really languished too.  And some of the phone entries are listed like 5 times!  
  23. Ralphie's post in Wordle for Wednesday, 10/5/22 (Spoiler) was marked as the answer   

  24. Ralphie's post in Wordle for 8/20/22 (Spoiler) was marked as the answer   
  25. Ralphie's post in Wordle 8/18/22. (Spoiler) was marked as the answer   
    Lucky guess!

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