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Prophet Zacharia

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    United States

Everything posted by Prophet Zacharia

  1. Cheaper than paying cash in the US, sure. But cheaper than Medicare? I would doubt it. I’d rent, giving one the opportunity to move back to the States if needed if medical issues surfaced.
  2. I did a late spring backpacking trip in the Monongahela National Forest is southeast West Virginia. Found ourselves in deep snowpack, didn’t make the distances we planned to, so had to make camp without running water. It takes a lot of camp stove fuel to bring snow to a boil.
  3. I was going to say I’d have gotten it sooner if I hadn’t been drinking all morning!
  4. par. I goofed on guess two and didn’t move the “S”.
  5. Pittsburgh. Arrived for graduate work, stayed to raise a family.
  6. Beer doesn’t give me a headache, but more than one glass of wine does. I had a Grolsch last night, but haven’t had much alcohol at home the last few months.
  7. Is it the metric system? Or milk in a bag?
  8. But they have disclaimers saying they are not to diagnosis or treat any illness!
  9. Isn’t it early in the season for wild fires? Did the Canadian Rockies not get the same moisture dumps that the US NW got this spring? Or was that more California getting the storms, and less the PNW? As an aside, I didn’t realize how far south of Calgary that the Teton’s are. But we know Dennis got good snow this year.
  10. I’ll be honest, I don’t know that I am forgiving enough that a conviction for most felony crimes wouldn’t taint my option of that person’s character. At least regarding people I’ll never meet and have limited information about.
  11. Do you mean that the homeless are over-running the downtown area and their open drug use? I liked the town but was actually kind of scared, this wasted/delusional guy almost knocked my wife over twice wandering around his sidewalk corner in circles as we tried to get back to our hotel from dinner. People cooking heroin in doorways…. I learned last week that my wife’s step-sister lives in Talent, @Dirtyhip.
  12. I thought I had a two again. And that @Airehead would probably want to swat me.
  13. I’m not a fan of most convicted felons. Financial crimes rub me the wrong way, honest people work too hard for their money to lose it at the influence of shenanigans .
  14. Bom-bar-dee-ay? That’s the only alternative pronunciation I can come up with. If that’s true of the aerospace firm from Quebec, (that’s Dorval, not Laval!@shootingstar ), I too have been mispronouncing it for years. They seem to have a manufacturing plant near me.
  15. The U.S.A. IS America. Canada is North America, Mexico is South America.
  16. I think the only people that need to worry about the risks/benefits of these medications are the providers, their patients and the families involved. All types of meds have significant side effects. We (generally) don’t ponder aloud if cancer medications are appropriate for children who have cancer, so why with antidepressants? Depression can kill just as cancer can. I’d say the antidepressants are much better tolerated than most chemotherapeutic regimes and can have greater therapeutic benefits (kids die of cancer ALL THE TIME despite the meds), and yet they get the psychotropic meds get the scrutiny?
  17. I think you’re correct regarding some psychiatric disorders in particular. But I do also believe the data that suicide attempts by teens have be increasing. But this isn’t a “new” phenomenon, it’s a generation of kids that are troubled. I don’t know what the specific causes are, but I know that a vast majority of my kid’s high school classmates were taking antidepressant meds for depression/anxiety, pre-COVID. Covid certainly hurt a lot of these kids, but the issues have been building for much longer. The American Academy of Pediatricians reported that “Pediatric suicide rates have increased significantly in the U.S., nearly tripling between 2007 and 2017 among children ages 10 to 14 years. National surveillance data suggest that roughly 7-8% of adolescents attempt suicide each year, and roughly 17% report serious suicidal ideation. Roughly 157,000 individuals between the ages of 10 and 24 receive emergency medical care for intentional self-inflicted injuries.”
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