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    Cayman Islands

Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. True, but the list of people is long. I will contact you when you are getting close!
  2. Holy crap! You are human! No biggie, you apologized
  3. Yes and in most countries of the world.
  4. Only as a nuisance factor. You know the city is going to over-salt everything so their budget isn't destroyed next year.
  5. Ours ended. Literally, no snow.
  6. Dude! You can't just pilfer my threads.
  7. Yeah. Police had a food bank fund raising drive yesterday.
  8. No, I bought 100 family meal packs for Easter for the food bank. It felt better than any other purchase lately. I donated them in Mosey's name as an apology.
  9. This would be fun to have one of but it would be a wall hanging. I just spent my celebratory second job fund anyways.
  10. Didn't he just sire another kid? Apparently, not all of him is dead.
  11. I think you could answer that for me. I think I am low level funky.
  12. Is this some weird warp in the space/time continuum thingy?
  13. Wallowing in mud seems like a relaxing pastime. The funds will stay in my corporate account for now. No plans for immediate use as I would be hit pretty hard on taxes. Better to invest it wait until my salaried income ends.
  14. Reduce my online and media use to bare minimum. Lock myself in the leather shop and go for long walks or bike rides. Walking is a great opportunity for restructuring thoughts.
  15. That was an early passion but not a fun way to make a living.
  16. Yes, but I don't chase the work anymore. It tends to find me.
  17. Yes sir. The old boss finally stopped trying to get me to fly for him. Just my current job plus the consulting job.
  18. Remember when I said my old boss kept trying to pry me away from the current one with obscene money. Well, I have a new job. It is a consulting job rather than a fly job. So... Now I have two part time jobs with two full time pay-checks. So much for retirement.
  19. I did this one with a group of friends. First year was 9th grade and did it every year until I graduated college. It was always spectacular and not that difficult. It is a sold day up Mt Garibaldi to the base. Second day was to the summit have lunch and head back down to sea level for the ride home. I would recommend it to any hikers in the Whisler Blackcomb area.
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