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Mouse didn't die! Now what?!


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When I was teaching high school, the school used those sticky traps and when they'd notice live mice caught in them, they called our Science Department to dispose of them.

We put our fingers behind the mouse's head at its neck, held it tight, and gave its tail a sharp pull.  That breaks the spinal cord and the mouse can then feel no pain.  We then usually put it in an air-tight container and let it run out of oxygen and peacefully die. At home, I just wrapped it in newspaper to catch any blood and whacked it on the head a few times with a hammer - painful, but only for a couple seconds.

Then I discovered those plastic traps you set by squeezing the back and putting a little peanut butter in a well. So easy to use and set and place at any angle. They work fantastically well for me.

There are several brands that similarly hold the teeth high, some much cheaper (one set sells 8 for $14.97 at Amazon).  You can use them again and again or just toss them if you want.


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