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How Did You Get Here?

Razors Edge

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How did I get here?

It all happened on a crisp October night as a man and woman huddled closely together creating a mere zygote. Then the following July...here I am. Why do you think they called it the Love Forum?

Oh, incidently, I joined LF before you and hit #1 before you. :hapydance:

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I found the bicycling forums around 2008 when I was shopping for a new bike.  I actually stayed out of the LF for several years before getting sucked in.

I was late to transition here and did bounce between here & the LF for a while.  When the LF died I was checking in maybe 2X a week.  

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

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5 minutes ago, sheep_herder said:

LF in early 2000, and spanned for a while before moving after the LF shut down. I was happy at both, as the format never bothered me at the LF.

I was never too bothered by the LF software either, BUT a HUGE shout out to @Square Wheels and his steady efforts making this place better, more stable, adding functionality, and generally doing an OUTSTANDING job (for free at a loss).  If LF had been 1/10th as agile, it might still be around.


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46 minutes ago, Square Wheels said:

The only forum I ever posted in was Road Cycling.  I stayed away from the rest of it.

I insulted their awful software, they banned me.

It was a unilateral deal by one mod.  I explained who you were, that you weren't a sock and that you had some forum software expertise.  I was told they would bump it up to management.  I checked and they didn't.  Having been marked as a trouble maker it came as no surprise that a while later I was given an invisible ban (no official points or ban, just prevented from posting for 3 months) for a first offense of calling an asshole an asshole.  I have little admiration for a couple of the mods over there.  I live on the edge of being banned on a day to day basis.

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22 hours ago, maddmaxx said:

It was a unilateral deal by one mod.  I explained who you were, that you weren't a sock and that you had some forum software expertise.  I was told they would bump it up to management.  I checked and they didn't.  Having been marked as a trouble maker it came as no surprise that a while later I was given an invisible ban (no official points or ban, just prevented from posting for 3 months) for a first offense of calling an asshole an asshole.  I have little admiration for a couple of the mods over there.  I live on the edge of being banned on a day to day basis.

Sheesh, yes I absolutely insulted their software, but that was it.  Thin skinned.  It comes from a long history of following their software, not their site.  It was started by a few people, then they got bought out and the original authors of the software started their own, Xenforo.  vBulletin is absolutely horrible software.  It was once great.  It was bought by Internet Brands, a company that runs many forums, the software is so bad, they run old versions of it on most of their sites.  The cycling site somewhat updated and it is horrible now.  I made a comment as such, maybe not using the words horrible, but I didn't call anyone an a-hole.  That got me banned.

Their loss.

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