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Shu Fang Bastard

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    Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of

Everything posted by Shu Fang Bastard

  1. Kzoo can't dance. It's true! Couch
  2. Meh, don't care. The Government is evil. Couch
  3. Kzoo is too busy to answer questions like this. Couch
  4. Naturally, you like Kzoo then. I've always suspected this. You can't be trusted. Couch
  5. I haven't yet. I'll wait until I can stream it. I loved the first movie; they did a great job. Dune is my favorite sci-fi book. Couch
  6. I'm never going to tell you what to do man but please don't be a hippie. Couch
  7. A couple of years ago, my back was in horrible shape. Several times, Tude had to help me pull up my pants after using the restroom because I couldn't because of the back pain. She also had to help me get out of bed countless times. Slipped disks and inflammation on L4 and L5 have caused arthritis. It sucks. I underwent Radio-frequency Ablation in an attempt to deal with the pain. I can't take opiates because I like to spoon opiates into my veins. Purdue made alot of money back in my use days. Since sobriety, I can't touch opiates. After the radio-frequency garbage didn't work, I received a medical marijuana card. I went to the local pharmacy and got a script for a hybrid strain. After my back went out again, I tried smoking it. I didn't care about my back pain afterwards; the pot didn't help me, but I was in a constant state of anxiety which was worse than the back pain. I know marijuana is helpful for some but it didn't work for me. I've found CBD alone helps tremendously for back pain. It helps lower the inflammation and makes the pain bearable until things heal up. I do grow pot however during the summer. A mother of a friend used it during chemo and it helped her. I don't think I am going to grow it this summer however, as I want to have a beet farm this summer. I can't stand beets. Couch
  8. Kzoo smells like cow shit. Couch
  9. Oh man, how freak'in adorable! Couch
  10. Have you ever seen grandparents wearing t-shirts of their really ugly grandchildren and cringe? Well, I'm now that guy...kind of. Couch
  11. I haven't told Ylva yet. Couch
  12. Do you have any older 400s you can give me? I'm serious, I want one to have around. I also need and OS license. Thanks! Couch
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