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Everything posted by The_Karen_Cooper_Incident

  1. I like Alice Packs. I'm pretty sure Tude has an Osprey and she loves it. Sofa King
  2. Can you tell me the one where you got runned over by a car? Or stung by a bee? Couch
  3. I'm going to paint a picture of Nate. Couch
  4. Yea. I know for a fact I would recall losing my little buddy. Litt'le John Tuesday would be surely missed! Couch
  5. You are smok'in hawt, Nate! Please post some pictures without any bark on. Sizzle. Sofa King
  6. The fact he can't recall the precise day it happened should be enough information to not even ask such a question. How in the hell can you forget the exact date you had your johnson cut off? Couch
  7. http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/07/24/us-usa-alabama-circumcision-idINKBN0FT24T20140724 Couch
  8. That's too bad. I've changed insurance since I started a new job. So far I've only had to use it twice. The problem I'm running into is finding a primary care doctor here in Rochester. I guess it takes awhile to find a doctor here. I've applied to a local set of doctors and I was told it would only take a few weeks. Several of the doctors I called stated it could take several months to find a primary care doctor. I don't know if it's related to the new law or not so I don't want to make that assumption. It very well could have been like this in Rochester before the new law. However, I've never had to wait this long to see a doctor in other areas of the country. Until then, I'll visit the medic-clinics. The only issue is the co-pays are a bit higher in cost. But, I can afford it. I'm just grateful I have a job that offers insurance and I don't have to rely on state subsidies. Couch
  9. True story. I threw out my back a few months ago picking up a pair of socks while naked. That was bad naked. Couch
  10. All pretty kick ass songs, Hip. The place I skydived at played The Prodigy alot. This music brings back wonderful memories. Couch
  11. Yea, I can see where both of you are coming from. I've worked in my underwear the past few mornings and poor Tude has witnessed it. I'm just abnormally stupid in the morning to put pants on. Rather, I'm stupider than normal in the morning. And, the thought of working on multi-million dollar systems in my undies kind of makes me chuckle. Couch
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