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Olas Nah

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Everything posted by Olas Nah

  1. How is it that Fox is part of the problem and you aren't? (doing the same thing)
  2. Uh huh.... maybe you should attend one for once...you might learn something, eh? All that hate you have must be burning up your loins. I'm sure there's some children in there to abuse, and women to beat.
  3. Um, I used Fox news because they still cover all this old sheot that you guys just bitched about. Kinda like when, you bitch about liberal media influencing everything, you ignore the fact that Fox news is around spreading its stupidity to the masses. How am "I" part of the problem? I'm trying to get rid of idiots like you, turning this country into another part of Afghanistan with your backwards religious nonsense. If there was ever anything to fall back on btw, it'd be you idiots as the primary example, still trying to rustle up Benghazi after everything that has since happened to that city in the intervening years...... not that you would be aware of it......
  4. Where was FOX news on these issues in 2005, I wonder? Hell, I'm still pissed off about the Iraq war being launched for no damned reason, but I don't expect the news to cover it every goddamned second like that idiotic Benghazi nonsense. I'd rather see them cover what's happening in Libya right now, but NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, this side of the pond, is bothering to do that. I think the 'defending' you're talking about was the argument that political groups attempting to disguise their real intentions as if they were charitable organizations (to dodge taxes) had something to do with that, chiefie. But nevermind all that,,,,OLD news. Been the same f'ing deal since 2001. But sure, I guess that IRS story, which is nigh on what, 2 years old now, has every bit the signal flag that this country has gone to utter hell. What's so funny is that you guys are so immune to the issues happening right now in the world, you'd rather see coverage of your political hotpoints than anything else, like detailed coverage of the Ukraine 'crisis', (much more of a crisis than our stupid border issues, to be sure), the Syria war, Iraq, politics in Russia, hell, politics in Zimbabwe, or the Ebola thing, etc, etc..... None of these are apparently signs of any sort of hell on Earth, but BENGHAZZZZIIIIIIIII You're still living here...why don't you leave if it's so bad?
  5. He's sure been spewing his politics though. But I know that SW agrees, so that's why he lets Nate run wild....
  6. What 'has' become of our country? McDonald's is still around, I've yet to have to worry about being drafted, my taxes are somewhat fair, if not arguable, I live in a country where, most places I go, I feel safe. I DON'T worry about our government oppressing me, I can indeed pretty much do anything I want, from collecting Nazi fighter plane models to watching Japanese Godzilla movies, and wearing costumes for Halloween at work. My vote counts in local elections at least, I proudly served my country (and would do it again if asked), I still fly the flag, and feel the desire to sometimes (if I had a lawn), I still call the police instead of running away from them, if needed. WW3 hasn't happened yet, gays can get married, religious oppression is lessening, racial equality is at least getting some hard looks, etc, etc. Life is good. Stop being a fucking boob.
  7. Probably because of attitudes like this....
  8. I see that SW is asleep at the switch again....
  9. The 'public' buy tickets. Fewer people buying tickets because of murderers, rapists, and wife beaters on your teams, means less tickets sold.
  10. Even FOX news is covering this, the holiest of holies! You gotta know, if they're gonna interrupt Benghazi for this.....
  11. Hey SW, while you're lagging behind on your ancient S4, you might notice that Nate is up to his usual antics again....
  12. Humph, call me when somebody finds some real Christians instead of all these wannabes who think they know what being religious means.....all the real ones are fossilized by now. Isn't wife beating in the Bible btw??
  13. Seriously though, those 'news' issues are YEARS old....no legitimate news agency is interested in them anymore. They're dead horses that have been beaten several times already.
  14. Once phones started having the ability to hold a few gig's of music, I stopped with the Ipod thing. And even then, the only one I owned, I'd found in a parking lot.
  15. I suppose it's only because there's a multi-billion dollar industry at stake.....and it's over something legitimate, unlike half of the stuff you listed.
  16. Got one....promptly got the flu a month or two later, was out of work for several days. The very reason I got the shot last year was to avoid that...still happened. I may give it another go, but if it happens like that again, I may skip it.
  17. Eventually the OS upgrades can somewhat cripple your older phone's ability to function as well as it did in the previous year. They just have huge install sizes to start with, tying up much of your phones memory
  18. I used to work for Sprint PCS in its early years before the acquisition of Nextel. Overall, cell phones have not terribly changed much in size/bulk. The Motorola Startac was an industry legend, and it fully opened, was only a tad bit smaller than a Galaxy4. Still was bigger than the Iphone5. I forget the name of it, but we had one phone back in '01 that was the size of a credit card. The ones in the mid 2000's that had the slide out keyboards for texting were every bit as big as a Galaxy4, and thicker too. Only an Apple fan bitches about the size.... I'm amazed anyone except with tiny fingers can text on an Iphone.
  19. In my two days of venturing around CP, I've found that it's pretty much a madhouse. During the weekdays, not a huge amount of traffic, but after work and on weekends, it's damned ridiculous. The runners, walkers, the cyclists going all sorts of speeds (but I doubt too many are able to ride much more than 20+ given the conditions), and tourists not knowing what they are doing.... If he was swerving to avoid other pedestrians (which happens every 50ft), he may not have had much choice..... Much as this guy looks like the type to just blast through every stop sign around at full speed and ride on the sidewalks and over taxicabs, I'd have to give him some benefit of doubt with regard to riding in Central Park. It's not a bicyclists fault necessarily that so many pedestrians like to ignore the lanes and/or try to cross in front of you thinking it's okay if you have to lock up your brakes. Had that nearly happen to me riding the rental, and I was probably only doing 15mph.
  20. They already had Brett Farve for that. Doubling down didn't help things.
  21. Too good? He pretty much singlehandedly blew the Vikings' superbowl run a few years ago. Dude can't hold onto the ball.
  22. Couldn't make it through...not even remotely funny. I mean, absolutely nothing that I found funny in a humourous way that would generate laughs from anybody. I thought it was a drama show of some sort honestly.
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