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Everything posted by ee42

  1. We still use squirrel mail.
  2. I once tried to smoke banana peels to see how it feels. It was mellow. Some might say it was too mellow.
  3. Wasn't Two Cows the place that did all the shareware back in the day?
  4. Don't threadjack my thread about cats.
  5. Ok, here's a real cat.
  6. No one has ever done that on the internet before. Here, I'll start:
  7. This video is great. I suggest you change the title of this thread to "This video is very awesome."
  8. Speaking of that... Do you pay back NSF fees?
  9. ee42

    Hey Nate....

    Volvo. Ha! I am on my third Subaru.
  10. ee42

    Hey Nate....

    I'm just trying to be friendly. Is this better?
  11. ee42

    Hey Nate....

    I got you some coffee
  12. I like the way you think. If you were in charge, I am sure this would be the most popular place on the internet.
  13. I like the idea, but who bathes in ping pong balls?
  14. ee42

    So did ee42...

    My team and I take our jobs very seriously. I do not permit them to use the internet while we are working. That's how you know I am a true professional.
  15. I think we may have come up with step one for improving this website. What one thing does every great website have? Merchandise and exclusivity. Let's talk about merchandise. All great websites sell a bunch of t-shirts. This provides both income and advertisement. This, by itself, is not the breakthrough idea. Even The Chive sells a bunch of crap and who has ever heard of them? Exclusivity is going to be the key. There are two types of people. People who want to be in the in-crowd, people who want to want to be ahead of the trend, and people who just do the exact opposite of whatever is trendy. I think we can hit all of these groups by making Flooz the official currency of Square Wheels Cycling. Study it out folks... No one else is using Flooz right now. I'm sure Whoppi Goldberg needs some cash. She can be our "spokes" lady. (Get it? Spokes are on a bike.) Here's how this breaks down: 1. People who want to be ahead of the trend will like it because they are early adopters. 2. The anti-trendy people will like it because everyone likes bit-coin right now. 3. The in-crowd will do whatever groups a and b do. Who is willing to design a t-shirt?
  16. Not yet. I prefer to let my actions speak for themselves. I am drafting a plan right now for the owner of the site. Can you tell me where to find that person?
  17. I'm not a spammer. I'm an internet forum turn around specialist.
  18. Allow me to introduce myself. I am ee42. I bring a great many years of internet forum posting experience with me here. I used the internet back when memes were called cliches. I'm old enough to remember fingering someone on the internet. I remember when this was high tech: I plan on bringing my many years of internet experience to making this the best forum on the world wide web. Just follow my lead and we can make this place the next myspace.
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