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Everything posted by dinneR

  1. My tax withholdings were messed up in Jan. I was told it was because a change the IRS made in how they collect your withholdings. Anyone heard about this?
  2. We have sales tax and hotel/lodging tax. Coal funds our schools. There is no plan for declining extraction revenue.
  3. “All this extra free time at home really challenged me to find new ways to not exercise.”
  4. They have not figured out a snow tax though.
  5. I do ski with a few dogs on Tuesday nights. I fatbike with one.
  6. You should totally come work here. I'm on boss number 4 in the last year. It's hard to be held accountable if they don't know your name.
  7. I bought a Tenda for $20. It worked well for as long as I needed.
  8. Ok, that's pretty accurate. @Randomguy be close to the toilet.
  9. People make too big of a deal. The drink isn't good, but you mix it with water and down the hatch. Then you drink 32 oz of water over the next 30 or 60 minutes. Easy. Then you poop until you can't poop any more. The next day you have the procedure and you are asleep. It's like a nice nap. That's it.
  10. I went home and took a nap. It was awesome. I picked my GF up after hers. She texted me when she was ready to leave. I saved the texts because they were pretty hilarious. @Randomguyyou will love it. I wish I could have stayed at the hospital all day and slept in their awesome bed. They even gave me a mango smoothie.
  11. I think we could elect @Parr8hedpresident based on these words alone.
  12. It's like a spa day. The best nap you will ever have. The medicine you take the day before makes you poop, but who doesn't like pooping.
  13. I thought she was a great piano player that could sing.
  14. You should come ride in the mountains. We start 6300 ft and go up from there. Hitting a cattle guard at 40+ is fun.
  15. I ate an entire sleeve of frozen Thin Mints during a bike race. I washed them down with a thermos of hot chocolate.
  16. Moose hockey! I forgot about that.
  17. dinneR


    Another local who kicks ass. Aly is so damn smart.
  18. We have a similar approach here. MS and HS go M&W or T&TH. ES attend in person M-TH with Fri virtual for all. There has been a fair amount of spread within the schools for students and staff. I'm not sure how it compares to the general population. There is a lot of push back from parents to go in person full-time. The school board voted to go full time for MS and HS starting April 19 when they return from spring break. The argument is the teachers should be vaccinated by then. That part makes sense, but one SB member argued they can now keep the students six ft. apart. The schools are too crowded. This was one of the reasons for the modified schedule. Nothing has changed, the schools are not suddenly larger.
  19. That's a lot of IPA. I have a stout and IPA still to brew.
  20. I think they wanted to seal the deal.
  21. I was wondering that too? the mission seems to be to piss off beer drinkers.
  22. I saw this nonsense at the LBS last week. Man bun required for purchase. @Razors Edgecan buy some for you.
  23. These are recycled bottles I use for my brews. My storage locker has four bikes in it and doesn't have room for a fifth. Besides, if you keep a bike in the living room you are reminded to ride it regularly. That bike gets out a lot.
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