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Everything posted by donkpow

  1. I know. And I'm the guy who has to go to the slammer.
  2. donkpow


    At least they are not frog legs.
  3. They revoked my parole. I told the officer, "Wait a minute. That's not my stuff." He said that's why I have to go downtown with him. So we get downtown and they call my parole officer. He came down to the jailhouse after he sobered up and pulled my ticket. Bogus bust.
  4. So the danger has passed then. Did we win?
  5. Sometimes you just feel like ruling the world because when you choose the middle urinal, you own all urinals.
  6. Yeah, he's probably better but I doubt anyone is funnier.
  7. One drive plugs up the computer and the clouds. I uninstalled it from my computer but only after it had saved my good stuff under its own name.
  8. I am sorry for your loss.
  9. When the going gets tough, the tough do their job. Baron Rothchild said something along the lines of, "Buy when there is blood in the streets." https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/recession-quotes
  10. I filed earlier but they only get their money this month. Either last year or the year before, I had to amend my return after I had already paid them. That was a royal pain. I think that didn't get straightened out for several months. I paid but I was biting my nails until they cleared my filing.
  11. You better believe it, to anybody who stands still long enough.
  12. donkpow

    Power is out

    And enemies. That kind of machine puts out as many decibels as amps.
  13. You have defective parts covered under warranty in the aviation industry? That's good to know.
  14. Ah, the classic "double whammy".
  15. I can't wait for AI's to start devising profitable scenarios.
  16. Auto parts warranty, defective part. I have to pay shipping for the new part and to return the old part. They get to sell their repaired defective part as a remanufactured part. It's the internet's fault.
  17. I held myself back from showing images of the results of such actions. I think you should take it upon yourself to examine the results. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS963US963&sxsrf=APwXEdfYdlZbq7JPJWN7DgI_QX3dQ6a-WQ:1680704121946&q=child+with+battery+in+mouth&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjluqTh9pL-AhWzmokEHcWfDx8Q0pQJegQIDxAB&biw=1911&bih=928&dpr=0.9
  18. I am fully disappointed in you. Think of the children!
  19. Disposable batteries? Not if I can avoid it. I've changed out almost all my battery operated things to lithium power cell powered. Those copper top's were a money pit.
  20. I don't know. Can you turn sideways so I can see?
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