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Razors Edge

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Everything posted by Razors Edge

  1. Not sure about who are the home teams. At Bucs? or Rams? They should have a losers bracket. Heck, it would be more money for everyone.
  2. No, but I've ridden on dozens of roller coasters!
  3. That's why the poll is multiple choice. I see a few you could pick above.
  4. Come on! See it as an adventure! Like riding a roller coaster, but on the road!
  5. I'm only 10 games in, but I still crave a lucky first guess or even a super second one!
  6. I encourage you to go take a spin in some of these new cars. Really - from the "mundane" like an auto park feature in many new cars, or calling a Tesla from across the parking lot to come get you, or the almost fully automated cruising of a Tesla or Caddy or other mainstream vehicle - EV or not. It's coming (is going on around you already), and it's not too scary.
  7. Dismissed out of hand, with reservations, or based on a some deeper insight? I get the "not today, I wouldn't" sort of thing. But considering a need in the future - like 5 or 10 years from now - it seems a bit too early to write off the idea of letting a car do the driving. Are you just thinking about 2022? Or are you also tossing in the belief that in 2030 or so, you wouldn't?
  8. I created a multiple choice poll! I realize it ain't an A or B sort of thing. But it - an automated car - certainly is a rapidly approaching and very viable option. Hopefully you'd choose it as a possiblility.
  9. Talk about perspective! I think many of us rejoice at avoiding the upsell! Car dealers are fighting tooth and nail to keep customers "stuck" in that sort of in-person situation.
  10. I placed three orders in the past week, and two are delivered, and the third is: Carrier received the package. Washoe Valley, NV US So I will see if those get here. Not bad so far - even with the snow and holiday we just had.
  11. Assuming the automated driving is around for me when it happens, I'm going with that as my answer - stop driving myself and let the Tesla do the daily stuff. Uber/Lyft etc for things like rides to the airport, but for the regular stuff, Tesla will be my go to. I wonder if that will require maintaining a license or some sub-set of a drivers license to operate?
  12. Meh. @bobo needs to post once in awhile to get a HBD from me!
  13. Bengals vs Titans. 49ers vs Packers. Rams vs Buccaneers. Bills vs Chiefs.
  14. I'm amazed that a teller or a fast food person would give a shit. Seriously. Maybe some amped up irritable manager, but the teller? At our bank, it is three drive up lines - one next to the building, the middle with two stations, and the outside with an ATM only. I assume I could get away with using any or all of those on my bike - certainly the ATM, but likely all of them. Our tellers seem to do double duty - desk and window - as far as I can tell, so dealing with me through a window vs inside seems no different. Maybe we blame "insurance" or "lawyers'?
  15. So, are the parts just cut off and trashed, stored for later use, put on the donor list, sliced and diced but all fully used again, or something else?
  16. Very true. I'm sure there is data if someone did a bit of a deep dive, but those high level stats are usually just too broad to be of true value alone. On the flip side, it is also likely, though, that most older folks have lower annual mileage - ie no commutes or driving the kids all over - so their rate may be worse than it seems. Add in "fault" and it becomes a different focus for discussion as well - since I've luckily avoided far more accidents than I've had, and I didn't stop too often to calculate old vs young driver almost wrecking me. I do remember coming home after a blizzard on I-81 in TN or SW VA, and the interstate was a SINGLE well plowed lane but with 3+ feet of snow to each side. As all the traffic slowed to a stop, I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed a car behind NOT slowing to a stop. I reacted by turning towards the snow bank and trying to get as far right out of the way as possible. BOOM - nailed in the back driver side and driven into the snow bank. The engine compartment completely filled with snow(!) and the car stalled. Anyway, cop gets there shortly after, and is talking to the driver who hit us. "I didn't even see them" was his excuse. He was older. Conditions were clear, the road was straight, and there were a dozen plus cars stopped on the highway ahead of us. This was pre-cell phones being common (1994/5), so other than futzing with the radio or heater, not a lot of distractions. He should not have been driving.
  17. I was actually thinking my hands are doing pretty well this winter. Haven't even set up the humidifier yet. My heel of my right foot is cracking a bit, though, and I have lotioned that up before bed a few times. Hands and fingers look good though. But damned if skin isn't more brittle when working in the cold. Definitely a few cuts this year from stupid minor nicks while working in the garage.
  18. If it meant not driving vs being driven (via autopilot type), you'd opt out of that??? Even after what the article mentions about the loss of independence?
  19. You can probably benefit from automated driving too soon. It will be nice when this worry of losing independence is moot WRT driving. Sure, it just moves to "safe in the home" or handicapped & mobility limited access in public spaces, but at least the driving one is shortly a thing in the past.
  20. Costco, every two to three weeks, to get "staples" and whatnot. Easily the best of the bunch. Then Target - on average - once a month max. Either Target or Petsmart for dog food and treats. Likewise, Target is great for basics like sunscreen or random stuff like bag of Swedish fish. Walmart I hit at least once a year - usually for camping purposes. If we are doing a National Park camping trip, usually our first stop after picking up the rental car is to hit Walmart for supples. Cheap and almost everything we need from food to camping stuff to a cheap chair or sunscreen or forgotten flip flops. Regular food stops are the TJs/Harris Teeter/Whole Foods, but that's usually my wife on her way home from the gym, and then a few other rarer grocery stops depending on needs - MOMs, Sprouts, and the Asian grocery are all next to each other and across from Safeway, so those end up being an any or all option for specific items.
  21. A way BETTER tax refund than expected! Definitely better than a Synapse.
  22. In three! Woot woot. Had a shot at 2, but too many choices left. Wordle 214 3/6 ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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