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Razors Edge

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Everything posted by Razors Edge

  1. I wasn't allowed on this forum until my contract with the LF expired. Anything pre-Oct 2, 2017 is new to me. Tom
  2. BTW, Casablanca was on TV yesterday, and Jaws has been in rotation for the past month or so. Tom
  3. Just so you know, I am great at making decisions for others and reviewing parenting mistakes. It's a skill I have honed on the Internet. I will continue to offer you advice, criticism, and no sympathy until you regret mentioning your mistakes. Tom
  4. It was new to me, and I chuckled. Saw a local production of Chess a little while back. It was fun. Tom
  5. BRITISH INFORMAL to eat a lot of something quickly, because you like it or because you are hungry Tom
  6. My chili was vegetarian, but since my cornbread had eggs and milk, I wasn't vegan. Tom
  7. ...with cornbread! What a great meal on a cold Sunday (and again tonight - a cold Monday). Tom
  8. I'm pretty sure you meant "had a car". Tom
  9. What percentage of newbies ever post? Tom
  10. My parents went out to eat quite often - either to restaurants or to dinner parties. They also hosted dinner parties. We, instead, got stuck with babysitters. Restaurants were very rare for us as a group except when traveling. Going out for dessert was far more common. Tom
  11. ...that back in the 1970's I was also very interested in dating young girls and seeing what made them different from me. Heck, I even branched out into some interest in young teen girls. Sure, they were "older women", but I always remember crushing on some of my older sisters' friends. For a kid like me, those girls were all sorts of interesting. And, of course, my being a snot nosed little kid, they treated me like the pest I was Their loss! I'm sure now they dream of a having younger stud like me in their stable. Tom
  12. Is this a common issue and a common solution? I get it with cars that run over nails/screws, but what pierces a fattie that isn't fixed by the tubeless solution? Big azz thorns? Tom
  13. Out of curiosity, what could be bought during holiday season at an Apple Store that couldn't be bought online, at another less busy retailer, or at a different time of year? Most Apple Stores are pretty small to begin with, and it is a nightmare dealing with crowds like that. BTW - I was at the Tyson's Corner mall for the unveiling of the first Apple Store. Steve Jobs still in his prime. Tom
  14. Did you pay $15 for a ticket? And, I assume you meant Casablanca (the Bogart movie)? Tom
  15. I just support not getting ripped off, not getting poisoned, having at least a semblance of accountability, and not contributing to the shady stuff going on in China that helped create a company like Alibaba. I could care less about a person's ethnicity (or any characteristic) if they do a good & honest job. Tom
  16. Are you now flying somewhere? Tom
  17. Sweet. Did you get the x-mas cup? I think those are still hit or miss this early in the season, but they are festive. Tom
  18. Generally, when you buy from Amazon, say a "Samsung XYZ Awesome Thing", you actually receive a "Samsung XYZ Awesome Thing". With Alibaba, you might receive a ""Samsang XYZ Awesome Thing" instead.
  19. ...start using this shitastic naming system for your stuff: Tom
  20. I've got a cold. Runny nose with drainage giving me a sore throat in the morning I wanted & planned to ride, but it seems like a hike is better for me in my current condition. Tom
  21. Assuming humans came across the land bridge between Russian and Alaska, there are likely some really old settlements hidden up there. As we keep peeling back the history of man's first venture into the Americas, it will sure be interesting to see how far back it goes and what physical evidence survives. Tom
  22. If folks are bothered by Amazon, they ought to be going absolutely crazy about out Alibaba. Everything that is bad about Amazon and then the added layer of the awfulness of the Chinese system of piracy, theft, cheating, lack of accountability, and obfuscation. Yuck. Tom
  23. I notice I beat my hands up way more in extreme cold vs extreme heat. Either the skin is more brittle or the coordination gets a little less, but even working on my bikes in cold weather seems more injurious. Not sure why, but that's my perception. Tom
  24. I'm guessing you could smother anything in those toppings and be happy. Where's the beef? Probably buried in there somewhere. Tom
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