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Thaddeus Kosciuszko

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    United States

Everything posted by Thaddeus Kosciuszko

  1. Suck it up. You're damn lucky you only have those three voices in your head, mister.
  2. I think it important to note that here on the Forum our chief output is drivel... drivel and nonsense... nonsense and drivel.... Our two outputs are nonsense and drivel...and ruthless insanity.... Our three outputs are nonsense, and drivel, and ruthless insanity... and an almost fanatical devotion to Coors Lite.... Our four...no... Amongst our outputs.... Amongst our many outputs...are such elements as fear, drivel....
  3. Isn't there, like, another way you can do this without, like, all that NRA stuff?
  4. Your garbage is too light. If you're only filling half a can, put everything in a single large bag, and put the heavy stuff on top. The heavy stuff will start to fall when they dump it, dragging the bag with it, and the light stuff will follow since it's all in the same bag. If that doesn't work, make a spacer out of scrap cardboard that wedges in the can and takes up half the can, putting your garbage at the top of the can. The garbage will dump but the spacer won't because it's light and wedged in. If you have more than half a can, take the spacer out. If you don't want to do that, put all your garbage in a plastic bag, and run the garden hose in the bag. It will make your garbage heavy so it comes out of the can when they dump it.
  5. Find some good size rocks to put in the bottom of the can. Not big enough to lose much garbage volume but heavy enough to make the garbage dump out. Old car rotors or brake drums would work too.
  6. If there's a next time you can opt for the sushi, instead.
  7. Well, no, I haven't forgotten your gate. Gates are for honest people, or for people who respect other's property.
  8. Say, Petite! Who's your friend, there?
  9. Here's where our thoughts may diverge. An intelligent being need not be told nor taught everything it knows. An intelligent being can learn, draw conclusions, and produce original thoughts. Example: people who create new devices and processes and are granted patents - a legal mechanism for recognizing original thinking. With all the world's knowledge at its disposal, an AI certainly somewhere has the definition of plagiarism, examples of plagiarism, plus anecdotes and historical accounts of plagiarism available to it. Therefore, if it is truly an artificial 'intelligence', it would be able to take all that information and 'learn' how not to produce plagiarized works. If the artificial 'intelligence' cannot do that with all the information and processing speed at its disposal, then it is merely a computer program and not an artificial 'intelligence' at all.
  10. That's pretty nice, but I don't see the SWAT Team.
  11. If you suspect your property may be trespassed upon by some of those visitors looking for a place to view the eclipse or even camp out, borrow a two or three construction lights and light up the ground around your property. People will naturally go to darker places where they can see better and they will stay away from your house automatically, and without a second thought.
  12. Judge it by the same standard humans are judged for 'intelligence'. We don't assign intelligence according to where people came from or how their thought process works, we assign levels of intelligence to people based upon their actions and their behavior. Stupid is as stupid does. To answer your question, I'd say it's fair to assume an AI committing plagiarism is a sign of a lack of intelligence, because it would be fair to assume that human committing plagiarism shows a lack of intelligence as well. If anything, an AI with it's machine processing powers, should be all the more able to detect its own act of plagiarism and should if anything be held to a higher standard.
  13. OK, a bit more seriously this time... Wait the ten minutes as shootingstar suggested. If you call again, and she doesn't pickup, leave a message that you're concerned for her safety because you can hear her phone ring but there's no response. Tell her you will be calling 911 to let them know you think there's something wrong and they should send the police and an ambulance over, because if something's not wrong she would have responded. I bet you get a call back.
  14. Call the local SWAT team, tell them something fishy going on in there, and they will open the door for you.
  15. OK. Let's agree that's a fair definition. So if a teacher or professor - assuming they are human - can detect plagiarism, then a computer program -defined as intelligent when that facility is compared to humans -should be able to detect what humans can detect -when the writing it is producing is plagiarized. And if the AI doesn't detect that and produces a plagiarized paper, then does the definition of being as intelligent when that facility is compared to humans lead to the conclusion that the computer program is not intelligent?
  16. If AI is supposed be so very smart - wouldn't it be able to recognize that it is plagiarizing someone else's writing? After all, wouldn't that ability be a mark of 'intelligence'? Or is AI not 'intelligent' enough to recognize that? And if AI is not 'intelligent' enough to recognize that, has it by its own actions just proved that it is not truly intelligent? And if it just convicted itself of not being 'intelligent', does it deserve the moniker of 'Artificial Intelligence'?
  17. WIlliam Walker was another wacko American William Walker actually became president of Nicaragua for more than a year through an illicit takeover of that government. By the way, in the article the work 'filibuster' refers to the action of organizing a military takeover of a country or region, and not the usually understood term of a parliamentary maneuver.
  18. There's something funny going on beside the screwdriver fuses. It almost looks like someone took a short piece of conductor and connected the black and red load terminals. It looks like the short wire outlined in yellow connects to the black, winds around behind the red, and connects to the terminal above the red. This would create a dead short between the conductors carrying the 240V out of the meter can. If so, it would seem like a deliberate attempt to blow the fuse on the utility transformer supplying the service.
  19. Why does there have to be a 'point'? "Because I can!" or "Because I want to!" are reasons as good as any.
  20. 99 shopping days to go, 99 shopping days Christmas is coming You'd better get spending 99 shopping days to go...
  21. They all looked pretty good, but I think they'd be fabulous if you added some bacon to them.
  22. It's not your fault. It's the rest of the world that's wrong.
  23. Minor item in the scheme of things, so I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
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